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CNPD warns about the use of distance learning systems by schools

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are the solution. They are easy to use, although some platforms are more fragile when it comes to security.

The National Data Protection Commission (CNPD) recently launched a set of guidelines for the use of technologies to support distance learning.

CNPD warns about the use of distance learning systems by schools

The use of information and communication technolog Belarus Mobile Number List ies to support teaching activities at different levels has been increasing over the last decade, as tools for streamlining communication and disseminating content more efficiently. Recently, following the pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and the disease Covid-19, it has gained greater prominence and visibility.

The CNPD recently released a set of guidelines that warn of the risks of distance learning in schools. The document, which can be obtained here , is a warning to the Ministry of Education and school principals.

CNPD Recommendations for Distance Learning


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The document identifies eight risks and twelve recommendations. Regarding the recommendations, it is stated that:

The chosen platforms must have well-defined purposes and be compatible with distance learning;
The platforms to be used must collect and process the data strictly necessary for the specified purposes.
Platforms must clearly define the roles and responsibilities of the various parties involved in the processing of personal data, in particular the distribution of functions and responsibilities between those who provide and manage the platform and those who decide on its use;
The chosen platforms must be developed in such a way that privacy by design principles are applied.
Teachers must be properly informed about the use of platforms
Educational establishments must seek to raise awareness within the school community
The information that is kept must be predefined
Providers of distance learning support platforms must comply with the obligation to communicate to educational establishments any personal data breaches that occur
Whenever possible, technologies should be chosen that imply the least possible exposure of the holder and their family environment.
Educational establishments must assess whether they have the technical means to implement distance learning platforms.
The use of any performance analysis algorithms (learning analytics) must always be judicious and done in a fair and transparent manner towards the data subjects and only if one of the conditions for the lawfulness of such processing is met.

CPND recommends that the Ministry of Education, school principals and principals of other educational establishments, at different levels, use appropriate platforms to ensure that the systems used in distance learning do not pose privacy risks to students and teachers.

It is also recommended that the entire school community follow good practices regarding data protection, namely by refraining from processing personal data that are not essential for educational purposes and adopting responsible behavior when they have access to personal data of students, teachers and other data subjects who may incidentally be targeted by them.


Topic starter Posted : July 2, 2024 6:19 am

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