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Discover Your Innocence: Take the Rice Purity Test

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Are you curious about how "innocent" you are? If so, you might want to try the rice purity test, a fun quiz designed to measure your "purity." This entertaining test consists of 100 questions that cover a wide range of topics, including relationships, romance, dishonesty, and more. It's a light-hearted way to see where you stand on the innocence spectrum.

Taking the Rice Purity Test is simple. On the main screen, just click the "Start Test" button and answer each question with "Yes" or "No." Each question is worth one point, and your final score is determined by the number of "No" answers you provide. The higher your score, the more "innocent" you are considered to be. A high score might suggest that you are among the most "pure" or "innocent" individuals, while a lower score indicates the opposite.

It's important to note that the Rice Purity Test is not a scientific or accurate measure of one's morals or character. It's purely for fun and should be taken lightly. The test serves as a playful way to reflect on your experiences and see how you compare to others.

So, what is the origin of the Rice Purity Test? This quiz was first created at Rice University in the early 20th century. Originally, it was designed to help college students track their life events and personal growth during their college years. Over time, the test has evolved and expanded, resulting in various versions of the Rice Purity Test available today. Initially, the test was exclusively for women and consisted of only 10 questions. However, its popularity grew over the decades, leading to the global spread of the test and its expansion to 100 questions. The latest version of the Rice Purity Test has been updated to better reflect modern life.

Topic starter Posted : July 26, 2024 9:41 pm

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